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- B O D Y T W I S T E R
- by Dave Moorman
- Here's a little party game I
- remember from an ancient type-in BASIC
- games book (circa 1978) -- probably
- edited by David H. Ahl. I have snazzed
- it up some, but not really much.
- The IDEA of the game is to get
- together a room full of friends, hook
- the C-64 to the TV, and wait until
- everyone is fairly uninhibited. Then
- fire up Body Twister!
- The first screen asks if you have
- had enough to drink. OK -- bad joke.
- You will certainly want to check out
- the appropriateness before the party!
- Anyway, press <RETURN>.
- Now input each player's name. When
- prompted, press <M> for Male or <F>
- for Female. You will need at least one
- name under each gender (slight bug in
- the program). Press <RETURN> on an
- empty input to move to the next step.
- You will want to read the
- displayed text to your party.
- Remember, this is a computer giving
- instructions -- so you MUST obey.
- Besides, computers do not have dirty
- minds! If at anytime a player moves a
- hand when not told to do so, the
- player FAILS.
- Press any key to display another
- prompt. You can play Body Twister as a
- Boys vs. Girls game or until only one
- player has not failed. Press <B> for a
- Boys/Girls game, or <A> for Anybody.
- Now you will see the first
- command, telling a player to put one
- of his/her hands on a certain part of
- another player's body. As the commands
- continue, the mass of humanity will
- undoubtedly become hopelessly
- contorted. Good! Again, should someone
- disconnect without orders (DWO), that
- player FAILS. Press <F>, use the
- cursor keys to highlight the Failed
- player's name, and press <RETURN>.
- That player is out of the game.
- Play continues until (in the
- Boy/Girl game) one gender is removed
- from play, or (in the Anybody game)
- one player is left.
- The game is all in BASIC, but has
- been packed with a font/screen and a
- bit of ML to animate the border. To
- alter the game (adding or removing
- body parts, for instance) you must use
- Lee Novak's DISSOLVER program to take
- apart the three files.
- Before loading "body twister" (the
- BASIC program), do the following in
- immediate mode:
- POKE 44, 32
- POKE 32*256, 0
- then load the program. The lists are
- all in DATA statements at the
- beginning of the program. The first
- DATA statement gives the number of
- items in the list, followed by the
- items. Be sure the number is correct
- for your edited game.
- Then use LINKER to link the three
- files ("body twister", "body.fts", and
- "body.ml"), and PACKER to pack the
- resulting file to "body.pkd", which is
- what the boot program LOADs and RUNs.
- The only trick to this program was
- to keep the Boys and Girls organized
- (for the Boy/Girl game) so that all
- commands involve cross-gender
- touching. I may be a Rev, but I still
- have a libido!